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ECS - Ballroom vs. Non-Ballroom Style
Posted by Ghostdancer
5/15/2003  6:30:00 AM
Ecs - Ballroom vs. Non-Ballroom Style

I've heard that ECS has both a ballroom and a non-ballroom style. What is the difference?

"Dancing is a contact sport; football is a hitting sport" - Vince Lombardi
re: ECS - Ballroom vs. Non-Ballroom Style
Posted by twnkltoz
5/15/2003  4:37:00 PM
It's a styling thing. Ballroom dancers tend to be more upright in their posture and a little more...I don't know...ballroomy in their arm & body styling. "Street" swing dancers have a more forward posture, a bit relaxed and, dare I say, sloppier in their technique and styling.
re: ECS - Ballroom vs. Non-Ballroom Style
Posted by TheDitz
5/15/2003  6:26:00 PM
I've heard of it in Salsa. One of the first (maybe only ) times I went to a Salsa club. One of my lesson partners asked if I did ballroom. He could tell by the frame.

But it also could be the way to distinguish between triple and single time swing. I think I hear triple-time referred to once as the "Ballroom" swing.


re: ECS - Ballroom vs. Non-Ballroom Style
Posted by KevinL
5/16/2003  5:32:00 AM
Originally posted by twnkltoz:
It's a styling thing. Ballroom dancers tend to be more upright in their posture and a little more...I don't know...ballroomy in their arm & body styling. "Street" swing dancers have a more forward posture, a bit relaxed and, dare I say, sloppier in their technique and styling.

I'm with twnkltoz on this one. Ballroom ECS looks ballroomy: precise and exacting. The non-ballroom ECS is very relaxed and free flowing, sometimes moving back and forth between single time and triple time.
In my experience, anyway, 8^)
re: ECS - Ballroom vs. Non-Ballroom Style
Posted by ChampionDancesport
5/15/2003  11:34:00 AM

That's a new one on me...I've never heard it put that way. Some people consider West Coast swing to be "non-ballroom" ECS...but that's the only thing I can think of.

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